What we do

The International Society for Gastrointestinal Hereditary Tumours (InSiGHT) is an international multidisciplinary, scientific organisation. Our mission is to improve the quality of care of patients and families with any hereditary condition resulting in gastrointestinal tumours.

We do this by

  • Educating physicians and other healthcare professionals in the molecular genetics and clinical management of gastrointestinal hereditary tumour syndromes
  • HousingĀ and curating the most comprehensive database of DNA variants that contribute to gastrointestinal cancer
  • Supported by a committee of world leading experts, systematically assigning pathogenicity to variants in the genes predisposing to gastrointestinal cancer
  • Encouraging research into all aspects of gastrointestinal hereditary tumour syndromes
  • Providing a forum for the presentation of data, discussion of controversial areas involved in the care of patients and their families, and facilitation of collaborative studies
  • Assisting institutions and individuals interested in beginning or maintaining a registry for families with gastrointestinal hereditary tumour syndromes

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