We have nearly 300 members, including scientists, clinicians and other healthcare professionals, from all parts of the world.
Membership benefits
- Access to international community of members
- Reduced registration fees at InSiGHT meetings
- Complimentary online access to Familial Cancer journal
- Access to restricted InSiGHT website content
- Opportunity to nominate and vote for prospective Council members
- Eligibility to stand for election to Council
- Purchase InSiGHT branded merchandise
Joining InSiGHT
Membership is renewable every two years. There is a standard rate for medical doctors, and a reduced rate for others (nurses, genetic counsellors, scientists, students).
There an additional signup fee for new members, who also need to be sponsored by an existing member of InSiGHT. If you wish to join but do not know an InSiGHT member, please contact us and we will assist you.
Current rates are displayed at the start of the application process. The currency used is GBP (£).